Bill Vasilopoulos

Bill Vasilopoulos

Web Developer UI/UX

About Me

I am a front-end web developer with experience in user science and testing as well as creating user interfaces for static and dynamic websites and web applications. Knowledgeable in full-stack technology as well as the principles and techniques of website development and maintenance. Adept at conveying complex technical information to a variety of technical and non-technical professional audiences.


Vue JS Capstone Project


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This project is a responsive web application that leverages Vue JS, News API, Dark Ski API, Bootstrap. Hosted on a secure network to allow for geolocation for local weather updates. It also provides up to the minute news content from over 50 news sources and access to the news organization's websites. Due to recent changes in NewsApi's free API plan, project must be installed locally to view news sources and articles. Please click on view on github link above and follow README instructions.

Angular Weather App

Angular JS Weather


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This project is a responsive web application that utilizes Bootstrap, Grunt, AngularJS and OpenWeatherMap API. This webapp provides current weather, 5-day forecasts as well as 15-day extended weather forecasts for any location. It also allows users to store locations with the assistance of local storage.

Gatsby React Blog

Gatsby React Blog


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This latest project is a blog web application that utilizes Gatsby, React, GraphQL, Netlify and Contentful CMS which manages, creates and unifies blog content to be continuously deployed and updated. GraphQL is also utilized for fulfilling queries with existing data.

React YouTube App

React Indecision Web App


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This project is a responsive web application that utilizes ReactJS, React Modal, Sass Loader, Webpack, Babel, Validator and Local Storage. This web application randomly generates an output after the user adds tasks. It also allows users to store data with the assistance of local storage.

React YouTube App

React YouTube App


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A YouTube web application that utilizes ReactJS and Semantic UI for presentational components while retrieving YouTube video content from the YouTube Api utilizing Axios to fetch the data. Also allows for light and dark mode themes.

Nasa APOD App

NASA Picture of the Day


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A web application that utilizes ReactJS and Semantic UI for presentational components while retrieving image content from the NASA APOD Api utilizing fetch API for retrieving data. Also React Date Tracker and Moment.js are used for selecting dates for images.

React Flashcard App

React Flashcard App


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A flashcard web application that utilizes ReactJS for UI presentational components while storing and retrieving JSON data with Firebase. The card components display randomly selected images of states with corresponding capitals on the back of the card.

React Note App

React Note App


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A note taking application created with React and Semantic UI that utilizes React Hooks instead of React Class based components and Lifecycle Methods as well as Local Storage for storing data. Also utilizes Jest and Enzyme for shallow rendering and testing as well as dark and light mode themes.

Tangletown Coffee Site

Tangletown Coffee Website


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A coffee website that utilizes HTML, CSS, Jquery, Javascript and Google Maps API. Also using JavaScript and Google Maps API to add an interactive map while allowing for resizing the map in relation to the screen size. Additionally utilized JQuery for smooth scrolling effects as well as form validation.

project name

Mt. Rainier Website


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Created by implementing Openmap api tools integrated with JQuery and Bootstrap. These tools were used to assist with creating an interactive page for a geographical location. Multiple map layers were created with the assistance of openmap tools which provided real-time geographical data.

project name

Grace Hopper Website


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A project created to demonstrate the ability to manipulate the DOM by creating and modifying elements with the assistance of JQuery. A pseudo-login as well as view and hide details buttons are used to toggle display content. Also, vote buttons are used to register, count and display voting activity.

tangletown coffee wordpress site

Tangletown Coffee Wordpress Site


This project is a web application for a fictitious coffee company located in Seattle. After installing Wordpress on Ubuntu 14.04, I was able to create a LAMP stack droplet on the Digital Ocean Cloud Server infrastructure and optimized and secured the web application.

React Unsplash App

React Unsplash Pic Search


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A web application created with React and Semantic UI that utilizes Unsplash API with Axios to retrieve pics relevant to search queries.

Flickr site

Flickr Pic Search


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A project that was created using JavaScript, Jquery, Bootstrap and the Flickr API to search Flickr and show a grid of images returned. Also, utilizing progressive enhancement for activating forms and making calls to the Flickr API. Finally, utilizing Jquery for enlarging images, transitional effects, and placement of images on the grid.

User Science Testing and Analysis

User Science Journal


Provided user science testing and analysis, Google analytics event based analytics, accessibility and usability analysis while presenting findings with the assistance of Wordpress content management systems.

Grow with Google Challenge Scholarship

Grow with Google Scholarship


Challenge scholarship co-sponsored by Google and Udacity which provided a mobile web development curriculum that included building progressive offline-first web applications, service workers, IndexedDB and caching, ES6 syntax, default function parameters, destructuring, built-ins, classes and subclasses, array helper methods, promises, fetch generators, modifying sets and iterators, WeakMaps, proxies, polyfills and transpiling.

Udacity / Grow with Google Nanodegree

Grow with Google Nanodegree


Mobile web development curriculum that provides necessary tools to create responsive and accessible web apps by building mobile-first progressive web applications that have offline capabilities and are optimized for web app performance through rendering optimizations, leveraging local storage, indexedDB, service workers and more.

Web Development Graduate Certificate Program

HTML and CSS Fluency - (2017 - 2018)

As a student of the Seattle University Web Development Certificate program, I created appealing web designs using HTML, CSS, SASS and LESS. I also utilized best practices and web standards in web design by using mockups and wireframes to assist with developing static and dynamic websites.

JavaScript Programming - (2017 - 2018)

Using concepts of JavaScript programming such as progressive enhancement, DOM manipulation, detecting and altering content to enhance cross-browser support, improving usability of forms, validating data and pulling and utilizing data from external API sources. Also, using JavaScript libraries such as JQuery to assist with event handling and DOM manipulation. Additionally, utilizing JavaScript application frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS and VueJS to create interactive webapps. I also utilized Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture patterns for implementing user interfaces in multiple JavaScript frameworks.

Servers and Hosting - (2017 - 2018)

Utilizing command-line UNIX utilities to move files and accomplish tasks such as connecting to remote server systems via "Secure Shell" "SSH" technologies and successfully configuring server locations to be served at a specific URL for public web users resulting in functional websites. Also, utilizing static file servers such as Apache and LAMP/LEMP stack configurations, to run custom subdomains on droplets using the Digital Ocean web server infrastructure. Deployed dynamic content after installing webapps (PHP files for Wordpress) while utilizing mySQL relational database management systems. Implemented caching and site optimization with the assistance of Wordpress plugins to compress pages and utilize PHP to serve cached files.

User Science and Testing - (2017 - 2018)

Coursework and projects that included usability testing, search engine optimization and quality assurance for developing contemporary web content. Created usability journals that contained essays, studies, and descriptive analysis of websites while applying usability studies and user science to web sites and applications. Utilized Google Analytics while implementing web analytics, events and goals and content experiments to effectively track and analyze web user behavior.

My GitHub Calendar

Blue Github Chart

My GitHub Activity Stream